February 3, 2022

Gravity Wars — Final Scores and Closing Ceremony!

The Umeevengers phase 2 adversarial testnet, Gravity Wars came to a close on Tuesday, January 25th after five weeks of action-packed testnet tasks!
By Kenny Najarro

The Umeevengers phase 2 adversarial testnet, Gravity Wars came to a close on Tuesday, January 25th after five weeks of action-packed testnet tasks! Gravity Wars concluded as the second validator-based testnet program launched by Umee in the past 4 months, aimed at challenging the Umee Network codebase with hefty transaction loads, and putting Umee’s Gravity Bridge implementation through a real-world stress test before the mainnet launch. The selected validator group was encouraged to search for bugs and exploits in Umee’s code, run the most profitable bridge relayers, and were given free rein to collude and attack another!

Gravity Wars Final Score and Closing Ceremony

Performance of Umee’s Gravity Bridge in the Testnet

Challenging Umee’s Gravity Bridge implementation was the true focus of Gravity Wars, and the Umee team is extremely satisfied with the bridge’s performance! Validators were instructed to send hundreds of bidirectional transactions each day between Umee ⇔ Ethereum through Umee’s Gravity Bridge. Through relaying these transactions validators competed to run the most profitable bridge relayers by setting their own profit multipliers, using arbitrary exchange rates that changed randomly, set up by the Umee team to mimic a real-life setup. Not only did this serve as an ideal scenario for validators to familiarize themselves with the Umee network before mainnet, but it also proved that Umee’s bridge implementation can faultlessly handle burdensome traffic levels, and ultimately function without issue during periods of immense stress.


Validators are the backbone of the Umee Network, and have the demanding responsibility of ensuring proper network functionality during high-stress network periods. Without validators, Umee’s Gravity Bridge implementation (and the network in general) could quite literally not function, nor be tested appropriately. The Umee team would like to sincerely thank each and every validator that participated in Gravity Wars, as they proved that they are up to the task of running a successful network!

Even though the adversarial testnet was titled Gravity Wars, the really incredible thing to see was Validators come together, assist another with technical specs, and ensure network stability and functionality through all the tasks Umee threw at them during the testnet. Our validators did a fantastic job, and the team could not be more proud to see the collaborative behavior present amongst validators through the testnet, and before Umee’s upcoming mainnet launch!

Final Scores!

The final Gravity Wars leaderboard can be found here

A validator’s “Total Score” for Gravity Wars consisted of their performance in regard to the Gravity Wars 3 recurring weekly objectives including “Never Jailed”, “Uptime”, and “Orchestrator Uptime” + their scores given for each weekly bundle of tasks. You can view the tasks that validators completed through the five weeks here.

A massive congratulations to the following top 10 validators who scored in the top 3 final scoring tiers!

Tier 1: chlmprn17#9126: 2,062 points!

Remaining Top 10 Gravity Wars Validators:

Tier 2: Yep++#9963: 1,791 points!

Tier 2: Oneplus#9159: 1,745 points!

Tier 2: Daniel | Baryon#2376: 1,686 points!

Tier 3: mzonder#5844: 1,595 points!

Tier 3: ivandiazperez#5927: 1,584 points!

Tier 3: kodvas#8552: 1,573 points!

Tier 3: Vitconratran#7219: 1,547 points!

Tier 3: chanwoo | Staking Fund#9745: 1,543 points!

Tier 3: aleksandr7793#1495: 1,541 points!

Tier 3: Silviu | bwarelabs.com#8286: 1,535 points!

Tier 3: DanielMoon#9292: 1,533 points!

We would also like to give a special shoutout to NodesGuru for their round-the-clock support and dedication to helping Umee provide an incredible testnet! THANK YOU Nodes Guru team!

Testnet Rewards

Umee has dedicated 4 million Umee tokens as rewards for the Gravity Warsadversarial testnet — let's talk about UMEE token allocations!

Top four allocations of Umee tokens:

chlmprn17: 256,410 UMEE tokens!

Yep++#9963: 102,564 UMEE tokens!

Oneplus#9159: 102,564 UMEE tokens!

Daniel | Baryon#2376 102,546 UMEE tokens!

You can find all testnet reward allocations here.

Anyone who receives more than 15,600 UMEE tokens will need to go through a KYC process before receiving any rewards. There will be a 1 year lockup before these rewards are distributed based on our compliance requirements but all locked tokens can be used for staking. More details around this process amongst testnet participants will be provided by the Umee team in the coming weeks on Discord!


The Umee team can’t be more proud and thankful to each and every validator who participated in the Gravity Wars adversarial testnet! The Umee Network and Gravity Bridge implementation was truly put through a vigorous stress test, and this could not have been done without the robustly skilled validator group we were privileged to have participated. The strict attention to detail, positive attitudes, and collaborative environment present throughout the competition amongst validators have truly given Umee an edge in preparation for the upcoming mainnet launch!

Thank You, Everyone!

Disclaimer: Testnet rewards will only be granted to testnet participants who successfully complete and pass Umee’s KYC process. Testnet rewards are in no shape, way, or form guaranteed to be granted to any individual in the testnet otherwise. Umee reserves the right to deny rewards to any testnet participants at its sole discretion. Testnet rewards will undergo a 1-year lockup. The following announcements and token distribution details are subject to change at Umee’s sole discretion.
