May 9, 2022

Hack the Cosmos with Nebula!

Think of all the possibilities Nebula makes easy. Since Nebula wallets are compatible within the greater Cosmos ecosystem and also with Umee DeFi, you can sign messages, script transactions, query wallets and even leverage assets for borrow and lending.
By AJ Scolaro

You won’t believe it; yet, here we are. Amidst a massively successful Umeemania Testnet, Umee in partnership with Pine Street Labs, released yet-another professional-grade blockchain CLI tool for devops scripting and software engineers alike— announcing Nebula:

What is Nebula?

Nebula is a wicked-fast executable you can run anywhere. It provides universal commands for Cosmos wallets, multiple signatures (multisig), hardware wallets and even Umee DeFi for collateralized lending. WOW.

What Can I Build With Nebula?

Think of all the possibilities Nebula makes easy. Since Nebula wallets are compatible within the greater Cosmos ecosystem and also with Umee DeFi, you can sign messages, script transactions, query wallets and even leverage assets for borrow and lending.

Inspiration for Creative Project Ideas?

Glad You Asked! Check out these simple examples. Click each title for step-by-step explanations through each.

$ nebula --network=umee balance -address=$ADDRESS2000uumee

$ nebula --network=umee lend_asset --amount=100 --fee=1 --gas_limit=400000 --timeout_height=100000 --private_key=$SK --acc_number=$ACC_NUMBER --acc_sequence=0 --memo="lend asset"

$ nebula — network=cosmos combine_signatures — tx=$TX — multisig_account=$MULTISIG_JSON — signature=$SIG0 — signature=$SIG1

nebula --network=cosmos partial_sign_tx --tx=$TX --ledger_account 0

Cross the DeFi Waves with Umee

Give Nebula a spin, hack the Cosmos and let us know what you build — happy hacking.

About Pine Street Labs

Pine Street Labs builds secure and scalable enterprise wallet software for a multichain world. We help our enterprise clients handle the right abstractions so they can focus on building their core business. Our software is chain-agnostic, complies with any custody scheme, and provides support for complex on-chain functionality including settlement, staking, and smart contract interaction.
