March 31, 2023

Happy Umeeversary!

It's been a year since we launched Umee on mainnet, and what an amazing time it's been since then. We wanted to take a moment to reflect on what we have achieved so far and to appreciate all the people who have made all our success possible.
By UX Marketing

Umeeversary Blog

Happy Umeeversary!

We’ve come a long way, and thanks to you, it’s on to a bigger, brighter #DeFi future

It's been a year since we launched Umee on mainnet, and what an amazing time it's been since then. We wanted to take a moment to reflect on what we have achieved so far and to appreciate all the people who have made all our success possible. 

Umee’s Most Memorable Milestones:


Although we launched on mainnet in February of 2022, Umee has been in development for much longer than that. In fact, it was in May of 2021 that we first introduced the Umee blockchain to the world. It was a tireless effort from a dedicated team of individuals who have remained a strong proponent of DeFi since joining the Cosmos ecosystem! We believe in bridging the gap between blockchain networks and traditional lending markets, and that's how Umee was born. And it has been an enjoyable upwards climb ever since.

Launch of Cosmos Native Lending Protocol

Our time to shine came with the launch of the Cosmos native lending protocol in October of 2022. This was to be the first lending chain for cosmos assets, and Umee was at the forefront of championing it. We quickly became the first platform that listed many Cosmos IBC assets. It was an exciting time to get involved!

Growing Collaborations and Integrations

The steady growth of our network came with collaborations that served to build on the security and reliability measures of our protocol. Working with Composable Finance broadened our asset supply and liquidity. Linking $DAI, $WETH and $WBTC with the Cosmos DeFi ecosystem brought more use cases, strengthening the ecosystem and increasing lending and borrowing options for users. Forta brought real-time security intelligence, allowing Umee to safeguard the ecosystem of our users' assets.

V4.0 Historacle Launch:

The v4.0 upgrade marks the launch of the Historacle, the first-ever Smart Oracle solution that brings business logic into on-chain price feeds to prevent manipulation.

The Historacle generates true, manipulation-proof price feeds for the safest, on-chain prices in Cosmos, and ultimately the #web3 industry.

With the Historacle, Umee not only steps up with one of the best security-featured oracles to enhance DeFi safety but we also unlock use cases for a wider range of tokens.

We’ve recently collaborated with Stride, and listed $stATOM, $stOSMO as collateral assets, filing their supply cap within minutes! Additionally, cosmos’ first stablecoin, $IST, along with $OSMO are also listed.

Ojo Launch:

We then migrated the Historacle onto its own blockchain, called the Ojo Network! We have integrated into the testnets of Secret Network and Juno relaying the price of $ATOM, with more Cosmos protocols on the way!

In closing…

By Q1 2023, we became: 

  • The largest lending blockchain for IBC assets
  • We list the most IBC assets
  • Our lending and borrowing activities are growing every week
  • We have a long pipeline of assets that we are listing in the coming weeks 
  • Umee 2.0 on the horizon
  • Critical infrastructure projects to be released to the ecosystem in the coming months

It has been a constant upward trend for us, and we appreciate all the people who have made this possible. We remain grateful to the team of engineers, software architects, researchers, and strategists who labored to bring Umee to life. They continue to see to our success by working hard to improve the ecosystem for our users with regular updates, products, and features.

Finally, we would not have come as far as we have without the support of our network of contributors, and the faith of our ever-growing base of users. 

We hope to see the future of crypto and DeFi innovation with all of you.

Happy Anniversary!

Umee Team

For more updates on Umee, stay connected with our official channels.
