December 6, 2021

Rise of the Umeevengers, Final Scores and Closing Ceremony!

By Kenny Najarro

Umee’s first incentivized testnet showcased one of the strongest thresholds within the Umee community: validators (Umeevengers 😉).

The incentivized competition officially started on October 21st, 2021 on chain Umeevengers-1c. Prior to this, one really cool thing to see was our validator community rally together, and assist each other through the previous two chain restarts. Considering the number of validator participants for Phase 1, the Umee team decided to launch a final chain without the incorporation of Gravity Bridge code, and Umeevengers-1c was born!

The testnet began with three main objectives for validators: “Never Jailed”, “Uptime > 90%”, and “Most blocks processed” with target scores of 50 points each week. Starting on week 2, the incorporation of additional tasks began as well, and each week validators were challenged with the opportunity to earn more points. These tasks ranged from sending certain transactions, delegation / un-delegation, jailing / un-jailing, submitting/voting on governance proposals, editing validator parameters, setting up a public RPC, sending the most transactions, answering trick questionsđŸ€“, and finally tombstoning at the end!

Final Scoring

Final scores for the testnet can be found here

A validator’s “Total Score” for Rise of the Umeevengers consisted of their performance in regard to the testnet’s 3 main objectives + their extra scores. 250 points was the maximum amount of points a validator could earn through the 5 weeks for each main objective (50 pts a week). “Extra Scores” are comprised of points for a validator’s additional weekly task execution as well as points for extra contributions.

A massive congratulations to the following top 10 validators with the highest scores:

1st place: Danil Ushakov#5735

Remaining Top 10 Rise of the Umeevengers Validators:

2nd place: chanwoo | Staking Fund#9745

3rd place: Simo | Active Nodes (AC Valid..)#3233

4th place: Sergei#8372

5th place: CrazzyWizzard#1608

6th place: ivandiazperez#5927

7th place: stakr.space|DVS#3650

8th place: (Tie) Daniel | Mandragora#7136 and goto5k#3707

9th place: secondary#2530

10th place: EmberSpirit#9803

Weekly Validator Highlights

We would like to give a shoutout to several validators and highlight some key events that happened through the weeks!

  • Week 2: Five validators we would like to recognize, who made a genius move by jailing themselves without slashing, and without any traces on the weeks “jail your validator” task:

chanwoo | Staking Fund#9745, jjangg96#7937, pooch#9355, Zenon | Provalidator#9926, Daniel | Baryon#2376

  • Week 4: Everybody had a good laugh upon seeing the proposal about CALISTA#1429’s beloved Flintsone GIF on the chain, sent in by Tensin#2301 😂 . We would also like to give a shout out to the following validators for receiving the most votes on their governance proposals:

Alexey#0860 — “Invite Rick Astley to Umee Validator’s party”,
Aleksandr7793#1495 — “New testnet by the Umee team”

P.S. There will be a new testnet coming soon!
  • Week 5: A grand finale week amongst running an RPC, sending the most txs, and eventually tombstoning! We’d like to give a shoutout to two validators that dominated the weeks “Send as many txs as possible” task by a large margin:

1st place: Danil Ushakov#5735

2nd place: chanwoo | Staking Fund#9745

Extra Contributions

Many Umeevengers submitted some really awesome testnet extra contributions, ranging from useful Grafana dashboards to monitor validator performance and network statistics, to Telegram / Discord monitoring bots, to awesome testnet graphics that made certain objectives easy to understand for everyone, and many more things!

The top 10 extra contributions that received the most points in no specific order:

  1. Simo | AC#3233: Discord validator status bot for the testnet duration
  2. Enigma#6403: Discord bot with testnet guides/scripts
  3. Daniel | Mandragora#7136: Umeevengers-1c missed blocks channel on TG and peers list
  4. Kiryl#5413: Fantastic Testnet graphics, visuals, and metrics each week
  5. Yep++#9963: Telegram bot for tracking missed blocks
  6. zoia queen#7436: Complete Umee monitoring guide
  7. Vincagame#6490: Umee Discord emojis and scripting guides
  8. Albert | OpenTech Staking#6295: Ansible node configuration playbook
  9. Danil Ushakov#5735: Bash scripts and node guides
  10. Elf#7206: Tesnet video guides, node configuration videos

Testnet Rewards

We dedicated 4 million Umee tokens as rewards for the Umeevengers Phase 1 competition. We also granted validators who participated in the testnet a priority queue slot in the Umee CoinList sale on December 1st. Let’s talk about token rewards for Rise of the Umeevengers!

The Umee team wanted to prioritize the top testnet performers with reward allocations in the form of UMEE tokens, while also rewarding those who embraced the Umee community and best represented an open source community spirit by participating in the extra contributions. Total token allocation amounts consist of allocations granted for technical performance + extra contribution rewards. Top three allocations of Umee tokens:

1st place: Danil Ushakov#5735: 258,200 UMEE tokens!

2nd place: chanwoo | Staking Fund#9745: 124,700 UMEE tokens!

3rd place: Daniel | Mandragora#7136: 88,500 UMEE tokens!

You can find testnet reward allocations here.

Anyone who receives more than $1000 worth of the Umee tokens (at $0.07/token from the highest price from the Coinlist sale) will need to go through a KYC process before receiving any rewards. There will be a 1 year lockup before these rewards are distributed based on our compliance requirements. More details around this process amongst testnet participants will be provided by the Umee team in the coming weeks on Discord!


The Umee team can’t be more proud and thankful to each and every validator who participated in the Rise of the Umeevengers testnet! All of our Umeevenger’s positive attitudes, node-running skills, and genuine care and interest in helping secure the Umee network mean the world to Umee! We want to say thank you one more time to all of you, and also let you know this is not the last Umeevengers testnet! We will release a start date of Umeevengers phase 2 our adversarial testnet real soon!

Lastly, we also would like to give a shoutout to NodesGuru for their tremendous support throughout the testnet!

Disclaimer: Testnet rewards will only be granted to testnet participants who successfully complete and pass Umee’s KYC process. Testnet rewards are in no shape, way, or form guaranteed to be granted to any individual in the testnet otherwise. Umee reserves the right to deny rewards to any testnet participants at its sole discretion. Testnet rewards will undergo a 1-year lockup. The following announcements and token distribution details are subject to change at Umee’s sole discretion.
